
It’s that time of year when the novelty of New Year’s resolutions wears off and the resolve to achieve them wanes. Even so, I feel like I am starting to hit my stride in regards to some of my goals and am encouraged by some posts and articles that I’ve read in the past week.

In a post entitled Already Everything on her Mile Markers blog, Kristin Armstrong reminded that you have what you need to achieve your goals. It already lies within you. I know this is true, yet I struggle to truly believe it.

In a post-retirement interview with Runners’ World, Ryan Hall was quoted as saying, “If we’re going to compete, we’ve got to be ok with blowing up. You can’t have that shake you or destroy your confidence.” Ryan’s style was all out ballsy. He is known equally for his amazing achievements and the training cycles that didn’t go his way. Playing it safe wasn’t an option. If I’m going to dare to achieve the goals I set for myself, I’m going to have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Missing a goal isn’t failure, it’s a learning opportunity, a chance to regroup and get things right the next time.

So where do I stand with my goals? Here’s a quick update:

*That ~15 pounds was actually 21. I have shed 4 of those pounds and am slowly changing my eating habits.

*I am doing planks, push-ups, and assisted pull-ups 3 times a week and feeling good about it.

*I’ve registered for two local 5k races, one in February and another in April. The first is truly ambitious: 6 days after a half marathon, hilly, lots of familiar faces in the crowd… I am excited to give it my all and prove to myself that I’ve already got what it takes!

*I’ve finished one of the unread books and am a third of the way through another.

*I managed to find the yoga DVD and was quickly reminded of how terrible I am at yoga. I continue to set an intention to breathe, be in the moment, and do what I can each time.

*I have only walked with Ken a few times. My intent was to give him time for his workouts as well as give us time to talk and connect. So, I choose to see this not as failure, but rather a chance to regroup and get it right.

Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me, run with me, or offered support. Training is never easy, but when two or more share the load, it sure feels like it is.

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